Concise Minutes - Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 2 - Senedd

Meeting date: Thursday, 14 December 2017

Meeting time: 09.32 - 12.10
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Assembly Members:

Bethan Jenkins AM (Chair)

Suzy Davies AM

Siân Gwenllian AM

Neil Hamilton AM

Rhianon Passmore AM

Jenny Rathbone AM


Owen Evans, S4C

Huw Jones, Chairman, S4C

Phil Williams, S4C

Rhodri Glyn Thomas, National Library of Wales

Linda Tomos, CyMAL Library Development Team

Pedr ap Llwyd, National Library of Wales

Committee Staff:

Steve George (Clerk)

Adam Vaughan (Second Clerk)

Lowri Harries (Deputy Clerk)

Robin Wilkinson (Researcher)

Manon Huws (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, Apologies and Substitutions - Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee

1.1        Apologies were received from Lee Waters and Mick Antoniw. There were no substitutes.

1.2        Declaration of interest: Sian Gwenllian



2       S4C: Scrutiny of Annual Report and Accounts

2.1 Witnesses responded to Members’ questions.

2.2 Sian Gwenllian AM asked for figures on how the relocation of S4C will affect the number of people who move/travel to Carmarthenshire.

2.3 Bethan Jenkins AM asked for an update of the progress of the new Diversity Officer’s post.



3       National Library of Wales: General Scrutiny

3.1 Witnesses responded to Members’ questions.

3.2 Suzy Davies AM asked for an update on the Fusion Programme.

3.3 Rhianon Passmore AM asked for further information on the Library’s recent visit to China.

3.4 Rhianon Passmore AM asked for a note on Outreach projects.



4       Papers to note

4.1 Members noted the papers.



4.1   Historic Environment: Additional Evidence



4.2   Correspondence from the Minister for Lifelong Learning and Welsh Language: Welsh Language Standards



4.3   Correspondence from Cabinet Secretary for Finance



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from Item 6 & 7 and the meeting on 10 January 2018

5.1 The motion was agreed.



6       Consideration of Evidence



7       Consideration of Forward Work Programme

7.1 The forward work programme was agreed.
